Nonlinear Control Systems I    School of ECE, University of Tehran

Course Project




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       ● To make students familiar with the new (applied/theoretical) emerging topics in the field.

       To improve research, technical reporting, and presentation abilities of students.


        Students are supposed to select a topic and prepare a proposal. The proposal should be strictly related to the course syllabus.

        ● Prepare your proposal based on the specified format. (Use Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.0 or higher to open, fill out, save and print)

        Students should orally present their proposals, each in 5 minutes, at a presentations session (held at the last week of the term).

        Final reports should follow the standard template and are supposed to be submitted within 15 days after the final exam.

        Students should present their final results, each in 15 minutes, at a session close to the deadline.


       Start your search for an appropriate topic from the first weeks of the course.

       ● Be in contact with the instructor about your topic of interest.


       ● You should hand in a hard copy of your proposal at the presentations session.  

       ● Avoid any kind of Plagiarism! Read IEEE Plagiarism Tutorial carefully to know what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

       ● Submission of the results of your research work, to any conference and/or journal, is primarily, subject to instructor's approval.


  Evaluation of course project


Quality of report structure, format and appearance

15 %

Quality of oral presentation 25 %
Innovations, contributions, and depth of analysis/synthesis 60 %


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